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Scores 2024
Regional Scores
Las Vegas Regional Matches
April 28th & 29th
Centerfire Match Results
Rimfire Match Results
.25 Caliber Match Results
San Diego Regional Matches
All Matches
Phoenix Regional Matches
Centerfire Match Results
Rimfire Match Results
.25 Caliber Match Results

Scores 2023
International Match Scores
Rimfire Benchrest
Rimfire Off-Hand
Rimfire Benchrest #2
Rimfire Aggregate
All Rimfire Aggregate
(Not an official match, yet)

Any Sight Benchrest
Any Sight Off-Hand
Any Sight Aggregate
Any Sight Benchrest #2

Iron Sight Benchrest
Iron Sight Off-Hand
Iron Sight Aggregate
Iron Sight Benchrest #2

.25 cal Benchrest
.25 cal Off-Hand
.25 cal Aggregate

Traditional American Centerfire
Traditional American Rimfire
German Rifle

Benchrest Aggregate
OffHand Aggregate
Grand Aggregate
Traditional Aggregate
Westergaard Aggregate
Regional Scores
Las Vegas Regional Matches
Centerfire Match Results
Rimfire Match Results
.25 Caliber Match Results
San Diego Regional Matches
All Matches
Phoenix Regional Matches
Any Sight Match Results
Iron Sight Match Results
Rimfire Match Results
.25 Caliber Match Results
Eau Claire Regional Matches
Centerfire Match Results
.25 Caliber Match Results
Northwest Regional Matches
Centerfire Matches
Rimfire Matches
.25 Caliber Matches

Scores 2022
International Match Scores
Rimfire Benchrest
Rimfire Off-Hand
Rimfire Aggregate

Any Sight Benchrest
Any Sight Off-Hand
Any Sight Aggregate

Iron Sight Benchrest
Iron Sight Off-Hand
Iron Sight Aggregate

.25 cal Benchrest
.25 cal Off-Hand

Benchrest Aggregate
OffHand Aggregate

"All-Benchrest" Track
Wednesday Benchrest Match
Friday Benchrest Match
"All Benchrest" Grand Aggregate

Grand Aggregate
Traditional Rifle Class
Traditional American Centerfire
Traditional American Rimfire
German Rifle
Regional Scores
Las Vegas Regional Matches
Centerfire Match
Rimfire Match
.25 Caliber Match
Phoenix Regional Matches
Centerfire Match
Rimfire Match
.25 Caliber Match
San Diego Regional Matches
All Matches
Rocky Mountain Regional Matches
All Matches
Eau Claire Regional Matches
Centerfire Match
Rimfire Match
.25 Caliber Match
Additional Matches.
Northwest/Spokane Regional Matches
ISSA Regional Centerfire
ISSA Regional Rimfire
ISSA Regional 25Cal
3-Day Any Sight Benchrest
3-Day Iron Sight Benchrest
3-Day Rimfire_Benchrest
German Rifle

Scores 2021
International Match Scores
Rimfire Benchrest
Rimfire Off-Hand
Rimfire Aggregate

Any Sight Benchrest
Any Sight Off-Hand
Any Sight Aggregate

Iron Sight Benchrest
Iron Sight Off-Hand
Iron Sight Aggregate

.25 cal Benchrest
.25 cal Off-Hand
.25 cal Aggregate

Benchrest Aggregate
OffHand Aggregate
Grand Aggregate
Traditional Aggregate
Regional Scores
Las Vegas Regional Matches
Centerfire Match
Rimfire Match
.25 Caliber Match
Phoenix Regional Matches
Centerfire Match
Rimfire Match
.25 Caliber Match
Modesto Regional Matches
Centerfire Match
Rimfire Match
.25 Caliber Match
San Diego Regional Matches
All Matches
Rocky Mountain Regional Matches
All Matches
Northwest Regional Matches
Centerfire Matches
Rimfire Matches
.25 Caliber and German Gun Matches

Scores 2020
Regional Scores
Las Vegas Regional Matches
Centerfire Match
Rimfire Match
.25 Caliber Match
Scores 2019

International Schuetzenfest

Regional Scores
NW Regional 25 Cal Regional Scores
NW Regional Centerfire Regional Scores
NW Regional German Regional Scores
NW Regional Rimfire Regional Scores
Eau Claire ISSA Regional Scores
2019 ISSA Modesto Centerfire Scores
2019 ISSA Modesto Rimfire Scores
2019 Whittington Regional Scores
2019 San Diego Regional Scores
2019 Phoenix Regional Scores
2019 Las Vegas Regional Scores





Scores 2018
Regional Scores
22 Rim Fire Aggregate 22 Rim Fire Bench Rest 22 Rim Fire Offhand 22 Rim Fire Pistol 22 Rim Original American 25 Cal Aggregate 25 Cal Bench Rest 25 Cal Offhand Any Sight Aggregate Any Sight Bench Rest Any Sight Offhand Center Fire Bench Aggregate Center Fire Offhand Aggregate Center Fire Pistol FridaySideMatchBR German Offhand Grand Aggregate Iron Sight Aggregate Iron Sight Bench Rest Iron Sight Offhand Pistol Aggregate Traditional Aggregate Traditional American Rifle Westergaard Memorial
Scores 2018
2018 ISSA NorthWest
2018 North Central Regional Scores
2018 Whittington Regional Scores
2018 Rocky Mountain Regional Scores
2018 Modesto Regional Scores
San Diego Regional Scores
Phoenix Regional Match Scores WINNERS
Phoenix Regional Match Scores
2018_LV_Regional Rimfire Scores
2018_LV_Regional Center Fire Scores
2018_LV_regional 25 Cal Scores

Scores 2017
2017 Canadian Regional Scores
2017 ISSA Las Vegas Entry Regional Scores
2017 ISSA Canada Regional Scores
2017 ISSA Whittington Regional Scores
2017 Rocky Mountain Regional Scores
2017 ISSA Eau Claire Regional Scores
2017 NW Regional Scores
2017 San Diego Regional Scores
2017 Phoenix Regional Scores
2017 Las Vegas Regional Scores
Scores 2017
2017 Schuetzenfest Scores
2017 International Schuetzenfest at Raton, NM
22 Rim Fire Aggregate 22 Rim Fire Bench Res t 22 Rim Fire Offhand 22 Rim Fire Pistol 22 Rim Original American 25 Cal Aggregate 25 Cal Bench Rest 25 Cal Offhand Any Sight Aggregate Any Sight Bench Rest Any Sight Offhand Center Fire Bench Aggregate Center Fire Offhand Aggregate Center Fire Pistol German Offhand Grand Aggregate Iron Sight Aggregate Iron Sight Bench Rest Iron Sight Offhand Pisto Aggregate Traditional Aggregate Traditional American Rifle Wester Gaard Memorial

Scores 2016
Regional Scores
2016 International Schuetzenfest at Raton, NM
22 Rim Fire Aggregate 22 Rim Fire Youth 22 Rim Fire Bench Rest 22 Rim Fire Offhand 22 Rim Original American 22 Rimfire Pistol 25 Cal Aggregate 25 Cal Bench Rest 25 Cal Offhand Any Sight Aggregate Any Sight Bench Rest Any Sight Offhand Center Fire Bench Aggregate Center Fire Offhand Aggregate German Offhand Grand Aggregate Iron Sight Aggregate Iron Sight Bench Rest Iron Sight Offhand Ladies Grand Aggregate Traditional Aggregate Traditional American Rifle Westergaard Memorial
2016 Canadian Regional Scores
To view scores open or download the PDF files below
Whittington Regional Scores
To view scores open or download the PDF files below
North West Schuetzen Regional Match Scores
To view scores open or download the PDF files below
Rocky Mountain Regional Scores

2016 NW Regional Scores

2016 Modesto Regional Scores
2016 San Diego Regional Scores

2016 Phoenix Regional Match Scores

2016 Las Vegas Regional Scores


Scores 2015

2015 International Schuetzenfest at Raton, NM

22 Rim Fire Aggregate 22 Rim Fire Bench Rest 22 Rim Fire Offhand 22 Rim Original American 22 Rimfire Pistol 25 Cal Aggregate 25 Cal Bench Rest 25 Cal Offhand Any Sight Aggregate Any Sight Bench Rest Any Sight Offhand Center Fire Bench Aggregate Center Fire Offhand Aggregate Center Fire Pistol German Offhand Grand Aggregate Iron Sight Aggregate Iron Sight Bench Rest Iron Sight Offhand Open Only Pistol Aggregate Traditional Aggregate Traditional American Rifle Traditional Origional Westergaard

2015 Canadian Regional Scores
North Central Regional Scores
2015 North West Regional Scores
2015 Whittington Regional Scores.pdf

2015 Rocky Mountain Regional Scores

2015 Modesto Regional Scores

2015 San Diego Regional Scores

2015 Phoenix Regional Finals

2015 Las Vegas Regional Match


Scores 2014

2014 lnternational Schuetzenfest at Raton, NM

22 Rim Fire Aggregate 22 Rim Fire Offhand 22 Rim Fire Pistol 22 Rim Fire Youth 22 Rim Original American 22 Rim Fire Bench Rest 25 Cal Aggregate 25 Cal Bench Rest 25 Cal Offhand Any Sight Aggregate Any Sight Bench Rest Any Sight Offhand Center Fire Bench Aggregate Center Fire Ladies Center Fire Offhand Aggregate Centerfire Pistol German Offhand Grand Aggregate Iron Sight Aggregate Iron Sight Bench Rest Iron Sight Offhand Pistol Aggregate Traditional American Rifle Traditional Aggregate Westergaard

2014 ISSA North Cental Regionals

2014 Whittington Regional
2014 ISSA North Cental Regionals

2014 North Central Regional
2014 ISSA Rocky Mountain Regionals

2014 Rocky Mountain Regional
2014 ISSA NW Regionals

2014 San Diego Regional

2014 ISSA NW Regionals

2014 ISSA NW Regional

2014 ISSA Canadian Regionals

2014 Canadian Regional

2014 ISSA MRC Regionals

2014 MRC Regional

2014 ISSA Phoenix Regionals

2014 Phoenix Regionals

2014 LAS Vegas Regional

2014 LV Regional

Past Scores

2013 International Schuetzenfest at Raton, NM

22 Rim Fire Aggregate 22 Rim Fire Bench Rest 22 Rim Fire Offhand 22 Rim Fire Youth 22 Rim Original American 22 Rimfire Ladies 22 Rimfire Pistol 25 Cal Aggregate 25 Cal Bench Rest 25 Cal Offhand Any Sight Aggregate Any Sight Bench Rest Any Sight Offhand Center Fire Bench Aggregate Center Fire Ladies Center Fire Offhand Aggregate Center Fire Pistol German Offhand Grand Aggregate Iron Sight Aggregate Iron Sight Bench Rest Iron Sight Offhand Pistol Aggregate Traditional Aggregate Traditional American Rifle Westergaard Memorial

2013 North Central Regional

North Centra Regional (pdf)

2013 Whittington Regional

Whittington Regional (pdf)

2013 Rocky Mt Regional

Rocky Mt Regional (pdf) (13 pages)

2013 North West Regionals

Canadal Regional Results (pdf)

2013 North West Regionals

North West Regional Results (pdf)

Iron Site Match
Scope Matches
25 Caliber Matches and German Rifle

2013 San Diego and Modesto regional matches

San Diego Regional Match Scores (pdf)   Modesto Regional Match Winners (pdf)

2013 Phoenix Regional Match

Phoenix Regional Match Scores (pdf)   Phoenix Regional Match Winners (pdf) 

2013 Las Vegas Regional Match

Las Vegas Regional Match (pdf)  


2012 National Match Scores

25 AGC (pdf)   25 BR (pdf) 25 OH (pdf) American (pdf) AS AGG (pdf) ASBR (pdf) ASOH (pdf) CF BR AGG (pdf) CF OH AGG (pdf) CF PISTOL (pdf) CF AGG (pdf) CF OH AGG (pdf) CF PISTOL (pdf) CHALLENGE (pdf) GERMAN (pdf) ISAGG (pdf) ISBR (pdf) I SOH (pdf) LADIES (pdf) PISTOL AGG (pdf) RF AGG (pdf) RF BR (pdf) RF OH (pdf) RF PISTOL (pdf) VINTAGE RF (pdf) YOUTH (pdf)

2012 Rocky Mountian Regional Match Scores
Rocky Mountain Regional (pdf)
2012 North West Regional Match Scores
North West Regional (pdf)
2012 North Central Regional Match Scores
.25 Caliber Match (pdf)  BPCR Match (pdf) Main Match (pdf) 22 Caliber Match (pdf) Pistol Match (pdf)
2012 Raton Regional Match Scores
Raton Finals ( 3 page PDF)
2012 Modesto Regionals Scores
Modesto Finals
2012 LV Regionals Final Scores
LV Regional Finals

2011 Nationals Final Scores
25 BR 25 OH 25 AGG ISBR ISOH ASBR ASOH RF BR RF OH RF AGG CF PISTOL RF Pistol Pistol AGG CF BR AGG CF OH AGG IS AGG AS AGG American Grand Agg German Ladies Open Agg Traditional Vintage RF Westergaard 2010 Equipment Finals
2011 Regional Shoot Scores
Canadian Modesto Northwest North Central San Diego Rocky Mountain Phoenix   Wittington

2010 Schuetzenfest Grand Aggregate
Youth CF BR AGG CF OH AGG IS AGG AS AGG American German 70 +
2010 Regional Shoot Scores
Modesto Northwest North Central San Diego Rocky Mountain Phoenix Wittington
2009 Schuetzenfest Grand Aggregate
Any Sight Aggregate ASBR ASOH, CF Bench Aggregate CF Offhand Aggregate CF Pistol, Grand Aggregate Iron Sight Aggregate ISBR ISOH Ladies Open Aggregate Schuetzen Pistol Aggregate 22 RF Aggregate RF Benchrest 22 RF Offhand Schuetzen RF Pistol Benchrest Traditional American Rifle Match Traditional German Rifle Match Traditional Aggregate Youth 25 Aggregate 25 Benchrest 25 Offhand
2009 Regional Shoot Scores
Northwest Regional , Phoenix , San Diego , Modesto , Rocky Mountain , Northcentral , Canadian , Whittington








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